Backblaze Local Backup

Backblaze Local BackupBackblaze

Backblaze Plans

  • Backblaze won't run out of space, and it doesn't take any more of your disk space to backup extra cruft you don't care about - because the backup is stored at Backblaze's datacenter not on your local backup media like tape or an external hard drive.
  • If any Backblaze employee reads this - A local program to decrypt and download my Backup would be great. As i understand it now, i would need to hand you my key on your website for an online restore which looks like a security threat to me.
  • . Backblaze could not create a read-writable '.bzvol' directory on that hard drive. Backblaze has detected a problem with your primary system hard drive. You are missing a bzvolume ID on /. Backblaze failed to make this computer inherit your backup state. After trying many times with variations, nothing worked.
  • P.S.: If any Backblaze employee reads this - A local program to decrypt and download my Backup would be great. As i understand it now, i would need to hand you my key on your website for an online restore which looks like a security threat to me. I would prefer if my Backup would get decrypted locally.
BackupBackblaze Local Backup

Backblaze Cloud Storage & Backup

  1. PBS datastore on Windows 10 via cifs, Backblaze Personal Backup for offsite backups

    Hi,I've set up the new stable release of PBS with the datastore on a Windows 10 cifs share and it's working great. However it got me thinking, wouldn't I need to restore the entire volume/datastore if I ever needed to restore a VM older than my retention?Could I/is there a way to only restore...
    • Thread
    • backblaze backup pbs
    • Replies: 1
    • Forum: Proxmox Backup: Installation and configuration
  2. Remote backup to B2

    How exactly should PBS be backed up to systems other than another PBS host? In particular I was wanting to set up an offsite backup to Backblaze B2. Is it fine to just take a normal file level backup of the datastore using some third party backup software? I'm assuming the backups are just...
    • Thread
    • backblaze ceph off-site
    • Replies: 2
    • Forum: Proxmox Backup: Installation and configuration
  3. Proxmox backup VM over object storage B2 / S3

    Hi there,I'm been working finding a way to backup VM over an object storage like S3 or B2 Backblaze...I've finally found a solution that is quite stable and perform well.If someone is interested I'm doing in this way:- VM backup over local storage- made a script that with rclone move...
    • Thread
    • backblaze object storage rclone remote backup scaleway
    • Replies: 4
    • Forum: Proxmox VE: Installation and configuration

Backblaze Local Backup Lights

If you link the network drive to an admin account, and then share it with a non-admin account, and then run the client in single user mode, the 'user' sees the network drive as a local drive, and then the backblaze client can back it up. Edit: for those finding this post as.